Lu Yichen looked down at him coldly in front of him and said, "Did you know that Yan Muqing had dinner with his colleagues last night?"

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Lu Yichen looked down at him coldly in front of him and said, "Did you know that Yan Muqing had dinner with his colleagues last night?"

Yan Muqing’s heart thumped with an intuition that Sue’s late love must have had an accident, otherwise he wouldn’t be so angry.
"I don’t know." Yan Muqing really didn’t know that Sue came to the palace last night. If he knew, he would take good care of her.
Lu Yichen pressed his anger and asked, "Didn’t you come to the palace last night?"
"Yes, I did, but I’ve been in the bag and I haven’t gone out. What happened?" Yan Muqing twisted his eyebrows. If something happened last night, it was impossible for the bottom man not to report it to him. But if nothing happened, where did Liu Yichen get the fire?
Liu Yichen couldn’t help kicking the coffee table in front of Yan Muqing. "You fucking let Sue have an accident. She was almost raped last night."
Yan Muqing looked at Lu Yichen in shock and asked, "Did she have an accident in the palace?"
Yan Muqing means that if something like this happens in the palace, he can’t be unaware of it. Besides, all his cronies know Sue, and it is impossible for her to have such a thing. There is a possibility that something will happen after leaving the palace.
But listening to this in Liu Yichen’s ear made him even more angry. Yan Muqing was pushing the title to blame and punching him in the chest.
Yan Muqing’s face turned white with pain. This Liu Yichen’s hand is really cruel.
As soon as Yan Mumu came in, he saw the scene in front of him and ran to Yan Muqing to help him in a hurry and asked, "How are you, brother?"
"I’m fine." Yan Muqing put his hand on Yan Mumu’s shoulder and looked at Liu Yichen straight. "Yichen, you misunderstood me. I mean, Sue’s late love couldn’t have happened in the palace, otherwise I wouldn’t know."
"You’re still denying it," said Lu Yichen, pointing to Yan Muqing’s nose. "The love affair was drugged and she was having dinner with her colleagues in the palace. Where did she take the medicine except here?"
Lu Yichen’s words puzzled Yan Muqing. It is true that this medicine is usually found in bars.
Yan Mumu is happy in his heart. It seems that those people succeeded last night.
Up to now, she hasn’t received the news and failed, but it seems that Liu Yichen is mad. It seems that Sue’s love affair was given by another man last night.
You know, she gives medicine, but it’s so powerful that it can only be solved if men and women have sex.
"Yichen, you really misunderstood my brother. Last night, my brother and I were drinking in our bags. We didn’t go out and didn’t know what happened outside."
Liu Yichen bloodthirsty eyes looked at Yan Mumu. How could he forget her?
Yan Mumu wants Sue’s late love life again and again.
She was there last night. Maybe it was her hand.
Yan Muqing saw that Lu Yichen was looking at Mumu, and her eyes were getting colder and colder. She hurried to protect Yan Mumu behind her and said to Lu Yichen, "Yichen has nothing to do with Mumu. I can give her a certificate, just as she said, we were drinking here last night. How could she be in love with Sue?"
"But what if she lets someone else do it?"
"Impossible," retorted Yan Muqing. "Mumu is dating Hanzhi now. You are married, even if she used to like you very much, that’s a thing of the past."
Liu Yichen’s eyes are red like an angry lion.
Yan Muqing will protect Yan Mumu behind him and be prepared at any time.
He was afraid that Liu Yichen would hit Yan Mumu just like he did just now.
Did you hit him? He knew that Sue’s affair had happened, and men would go crazy if it happened.
But he can’t play mywood.
If he dares to attack mywood, he will definitely fight back.
He must not let his sister get hurt.
Liu Yichen pointed a little finger at the two of them. "I will find out about this matter. If I know that I have something with you, I will definitely not let you go."
Liu Yichen then strode out of the bag.
It was not until a long time that Yan Muqing loosened Yan Mumu’s hand and his heart was sweaty.
On fighting, he and Lu Yichen can’t beat anyone.
But my sister, even if he is killed by Liu Yichen, he can’t let him hurt mywood.
Yan Mumu came out from behind Yan Muqing and looked at the door and said, "Is Lu Yichen crazy today?"
Yan Muqing wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth and sat on the sofa, saying, "It’s already light that he hit me according to his otherness." It would be nice if he didn’t give him the end.
I think of Yan Mumu’s abnormality last night. Yan Muqing looked at Yan Mumu and asked seriously, "Mumu’s affair with you last night?"
Is it enjoyable, tense and exciting? Anyway, when Holland was writing, his heart was tightly pulled.
When Lu Yizhi got engaged to Fang Nuo Nuo, what color dress did Su Evening Love wear? The top ten correct answers will be rewarded with 2 coins, which will only be valid before 12: 00 pm.
Haha, is today’s question a bit difficult?
Who is the strange man who handed her the water?
In the eyes of others, it may be a wave of life, but for me, if the process has a pleasant element, it is not in vain. Enjoying loneliness is also a way of happiness, which not everyone can afford.
Yan Muqing stared at Liu Yichen for a long time. He was so angry just now that he absolutely believed that he would not let go of those late lovers.
I think of Yan Mumu’s abnormality last night. Yan Muqing looked at her and seriously asked, "Mumu’s affair last night was nothing to do with you, right?"
Section 16
Yan Mumu bowed his head to cover up the confusion in his eyes and hurriedly said, "Brother, wasn’t I with you last night?"
"But Lu Yichen is right. What if you arrange someone to do it?"
Yan Mumu looked up and bit her lip and looked at Yan Muqing with tears in her eyes, like dew hanging from leaves in the morning. This expression is the most pitiful.
"Brother even you don’t believe me? Do you know how much my heart hurts when I just saw Lu Yuchen’s late feelings? " Finally, the dew that couldn’t fall off fell off, and Yan Muqing was very distressed to see it.
Yeah, he’s the only sister. How can he not trust her since he was a baby
Yan Muqing stretched out his hand to hug Yan Mumu in his arms and comforted him, "I’m sorry that Brother Mumu was confused just now and didn’t believe you. Don’t worry that I couldn’t do anything with you if you didn’t do it."