Hongjun regretted fooling Xurui here. He felt that Xurui must have dyed him bad luck, otherwise he would never have met and never appeared away from the fire again. Then he saw Hu Yingxue, Mu Tianxuan and Wei Chihanyu appear next to the fire faucet.

广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛广州98场推荐 Hongjun regretted fooling Xurui here. He felt that Xurui must have dyed him bad luck, otherwise he would never have met and never appeared away from the fire again. Then he saw Hu Yingxue, Mu Tianxuan and Wei Chihanyu appear next to the fire faucet.

Hongjun regretted fooling Xurui here. He felt that Xurui must have dyed him bad luck, otherwise he would never have met and never appeared away from the fire again. Then he saw Hu Yingxue, Mu Tianxuan and Wei Chihanyu appear next to the fire faucet.

Eyes flashing and flashing Hongjun really retreated back, at the same time, he ordered them to take the spirit beast, zerg and refined resin borrowed from Xurui. Hongjun’s hand also hesitated, but those spirit beasts, zerg and refined resin did not hesitate at all, so he went to Hongjun’s heart and successfully separated him from Hu Yingxue, Mu Tianxuan, Wei Chihanyu and fire.
I don’t know if I was fooled by Hongjun or if I want to make sure that I can get a share of the treasure hunt. Xu Rui sent me to help Hongjun’s spirit beast, zerg and refined corpse. What does it mean to be an ace? What can it mean that the strength is good? There is a person who knows their weaknesses very well before.
No matter how high the strength is, both the spirit beast and the Zerg have to be afraid of the blue grass. No matter how high the strength is, they have to be afraid of the red-violet industry fire. Even if they meet the nemesis, their strength will be greatly reduced. Unfortunately, both the blue grass and the red-violet industry fire have Hu Yingxue and the quantity is absolutely sufficient
See Hu Yingxue several people blocked Hongjun just ready lines haven’t said it, just see Hu Yingxue took out a bottle that is usually filled with Dan. The seal of the bottle was uncovered, and the pills flew out of the bottle and scattered, which made it difficult for him to react. The speed was sent to the soul beast and the zerg’s mouth.
Both the spirit beast and the Zerg are strangers to this universe. Although they have some integration with this universe, it can’t change this fact. Hirojun believes that this Dan medicine can’t endure them. As a result, both the spirit beast and the Zerg screamed in pain when they swallowed that Dan medicine.
Hu Yingxue took out the elixir, which was condensed from the blue grass. Considering that the spirit beast and zerg appeared here are human beings, the roots there can’t be more pure than when she was refining, and the purity can’t be condensed any more. At least the spirit beast and zerg can’t stand it.
Repair is relatively poor. A few soul beasts twisted a few times, but they collapsed and fell headlong to be able to catch them halfway. Before the boundary of the sea of clouds, they were destroyed by Hongjun. These directly fell into the boundary layer of the boundary of the dragon pond, but now they have their own attack system. Now they are prepared for the spirit source and several soul beasts to touch the boundary, and they are blown to slag.
Hong Jun’s eyes chased those soul beasts to see that they were black and strong again at once.
Being an elder in the forbidden area for so many years, he certainly knows how strong the enchantment attack on the dragon pond layer is, and dares to give birth to the idea of destroying the dragon pond. The reason is that Aomu said that the spirit source of the dragon pond is weak enough to suck the dragon egg spirit. If so, then the enchantment attack is no different from not being there.
But what he saw at this time was not the same as what he had thought before. You can’t see those soul beasts turning into slag through the enchantment, so you will think that the news you heard before is wrong. Anyway, no matter whether Aomu tells him the news is true or not, if he can get away, he will never spare Aomu lightly.
Hiro Jun is thinking about how to clean up Aomu’s ghost beast. This time, a few ghost beasts have been blown out by the enchantment before they come into contact with the surface enchantment. This can be more agile than the previous ghost beasts, and it has ended before everyone can react. This can say that there is not only a lot of aura in Longchi, but also very sufficient.
The zerg’s resistance seems to be better than that of the spirit beast, but they are more afraid of the blue grass than the spirit beast. It won’t be long before one of them can’t control his body. With the first one, there will be a second one. At first glance, it looks like dumplings.
At this time, Hongjun hadn’t thought about turning and running away. The spirit beast and the zerg can’t count on it. He thought that the remaining refined resin should be more than the spirit beast and the zerg. He suddenly remembered that Wen Honglian’s fire was Hu Yingxue’s life fire.
When Hongjun thought of this, Hu Yingxue had sent out many flaming lotus petals, which looked very pleasing to the eye. When those flaming lotus flowers fell on those refined corpses, the flaming lotus flowers were still beautiful but became scary, and instantly turned those big or small figures into a fire ball or a small piece of fire.
Hongjun’s eyes are full of disbelief. "You actually raised the red-violet industry to this level again."
Hu Yingxue slightly tilted his head. "Again?"
Hong Jun shrugs her neck and mouth, but she is very tough and says, "Even if you raise the red-violet industry to the highest level, you can stop me today."
Mu Tianxuan almost laughed. "You said that our method stopped you. Why are you still retreating a little?"
Hong Jun’s body suddenly became stiff. "The valley is too small, of course, to find a place to put hands and feet."
Hu Yingxue smiled, "It’s a good idea to go outside here."
Hu Yingxue’s voice just fell away from the fire here and there came a dash. Hong Jun looked at the body and quickly retreated a few times, then he returned to his front to take people to break the barrier and enter the gap in the valley.
Hongjun didn’t think that a pair of four would leave the valley before he turned around and saw a woman in red with a flashing five-color uh guano sword in her hand. Didn’t she just see Hu Yingxue in the face?
Hongjun’s eyes flashed. "Hongjun thinks it’s not good to have a dispute with the Dragon clan like this?"
Hu Yingxue was almost amused. "You said that the temple was resentful?"
Hongjun’s forehead was covered with sweat, but he still argued, "My temple has never had any enmity?"
Hu Yingxue was really amused. "I remember very clearly that you told the eldest brother of the temple that they had been ambushed, but it turned out that it was there that was specially made for the trap of the temple in the seal, but I always wanted to find you to do a good job."
Before Hong Jun had guessed that Hu Yingxue had restored that memory, he knew that he would not do anything to hide the black fog and churn the silver dragon, and his scales were quickly dyed black and evil compared with the former Aomu.
After this change, Hong Jun’s momentum has also increased a lot in an instant. Look at Hu Yingxue again. It’s like suddenly having the confidence. Jie Jie smiled two times. "Then do a good calculation and the result may make you very disappointed."
Chapter 53 Brain-dead can’t look past God?
Hu Yingxue sobbed at the corner of his mouth, that is, he had built an incomplete magic method. This guy was his natural enemy. He felt that he was called an idiot and was insulting an idiot. This made her really unbearable to doubt that the criteria for selecting candidates behind Xu Rui and Hong Jun were arrogant and brain-damaged.
Hong Jun didn’t read Hu Yingxue’s mind. Of course, he couldn’t make Hu Yingxue and others consciously read their minds. Now his momentum is much stronger than that of several people across the street. Seeing Hu Yingxue frowned, she was afraid. I couldn’t help laughing again. "I can kill you once and I can kill you twice."
Mu Tianxuan raised my hand and made an ear gesture. "Snow is my mistake? How do I remember that we were originally designed by Xu Rui, his father, Xu Feng and this guy? "
"I remember that those things were all professional designs, but it was also true that he had some errands with him. He was responsible for luring me into that trap." Hu Yingxue swept Hongjun to sneer at the corners of his mouth and showed three points. Seeing Hongjun’s flustered appearance suddenly turned out.
Mu Tianxuan’s face is still the smiling face before, but it is instantaneous and murderous. "This fool who was able to cheat you in the past should be regarded as a smart head at that time. After living for so many years, it seems that not only has there been no improvement, but there is no smart matter."
In fact, Hong Jun knows whether his cultivation techniques are incomplete or not. Even so, compared with all kinds of cultivation techniques in this universe, they are advanced, because it can make it easier for practitioners to touch the realm higher than the divine statue, which is what most practitioners here call the sacred land.
Hongjun has always been very clear that he can get what he wants only if he has stronger strength. He was bullied in the young dragon period. He chose this road by hook or by crook and got the chance to become stronger. In those days, Xu Feng didn’t fool him much, so he did not hesitate to accept his orders.
Speaking of it, it will make people feel that Yu Hongjun has never regretted what he did in those years. The reason why he is so determined is that he thinks he will do it is Hu Yingxue. They forced him to hate being admired. The God of War is far from the fire, and the Buddha can’t see what he suffered. He hates that Hu Yingxue and others didn’t help him. All the opportunities for revenge can’t be missed.
In Hu Yingxue and Mu Tianxuan, Hong Jun was reminded of that time because of the incompleteness of the cultivation method. At this time, Hong Jun’s mind was not very clear. He thought about it in his head and didn’t realize what was in his head. He said it.
Although there are many prefaces that don’t match the latter, Hu Yingxue can still understand what those words mean. Looking at Hongjun again will not be a bit weird. "Do you think we caused you a lot of suffering?"
"If you want to help me say a word, those people won’t dare to treat me like that again, but what you didn’t do is caused by you." Hong Jun was stunned and didn’t realize what he had just said. It’s strange that Hu Yingxue suddenly asked this.
Hu Yingxue’s mouth shook. "We didn’t even know you were here, and you never looked for us. How can we help you?"
Hong jun nu way "you are not fairies? How can you not know that I am so powerful? "
This time, Mu Tianxuan’s mouth trembled. "Are you important to the dragon or is there anything special that we have to know you are?"
Wei Chihanyu, who doesn’t usually talk on such occasions, can’t help but say, "You can’t achieve what you have been trying to achieve because you can’t see your position clearly."
Wei Chihanyu’s words definitely hit the nail on the head. Hong Jun himself knows that he has been working hard for so many years to become a forbidden area elder, but the reason is that he has lived from ancient times. Even if he has cultivated that skill to make him never turn back, he is still the weakest of the nine forbidden area elders, and it is precisely before he knows that he is much worse than Pu Chen and others that he will be trapped.
However, Wei Chihanyu hit the nail on the head, but Hongjun’s self-deception didn’t make him feel ashamed. Everyone listened to him and snorted and said, "No matter what sophistry you don’t do anymore, no matter how sophistry you can hide the fact that you are ashamed of me."
Hu Yingxue’s mouth twitched. "I feel so stupid to talk to such people so much."
Mu Tianxuan is also twitching at the corner of his mouth. "I feel the same way."
Wei Chi Han Yu and Li Huo have no mouths, but their breath is enough to say that they actually feel the same way.
Hu Yingxue has always recognized herself as a very reasonable person, but for people like Hong Jun, she can believe in fists, which is the truth. Adjust the rules, adjust the mood of being angry and laughing, and take her eyes back from Hong Jun. "Ao Meng and Ao Mufu are still waiting for us to deal with them, not when he is in waves."
Wave time? Hong Jun was so angry that his head buzzed. "You are not the four Buddha in those days, but you are still so arrogant."
Hu Yingxue was too lazy to talk to Hongjun again and gave Mu Tianxuan a wink.
Not only Hu Yingxue, Wei Chihanyu and Li Huo are reluctant to say anything to Hongjun, but Mu Tianxuan is a good representative of "rushing to die."
Hongjun shook his head. "Who do you think is in a hurry to die?"
Mu Tianxuan sneered, "That is to say, you don’t practice that set of skills completely. If you don’t move your strength at ordinary times, you may go wild at any time. If you can’t successfully suppress your strength then, the result must be self-explosion. Don’t rush to deny that you are the one who knows your physical condition best."
After hearing Mu Tianxuan’s words, Hongjun wanted to continue to be angry, but he couldn’t help but look at his physical condition. I really didn’t know that he was shocked at first sight, but he didn’t say anything else. The activity was too high, and the alarm in his head was loud. "How did this happen?"
Hong Jun’s grumpy body is a little bit more. He knows that the incomplete achievement method will have some hidden dangers, but he never thought that he would turn himself into a dangerous person who didn’t know when he would blow himself up. He regretted practicing that achievement method, but he was furious and exposed the truth. Hu Yingxue and others "all because of you."
Hu Yingxue was too lazy to shake the corners of his mouth this time to see Hong Jun spit out a five-spirit sword in the hands of a dragon at the place where several of them were located, and then he was greeted by a dragon shadow wrapped in a sword, and then he smashed the dragon.
That fire dragon was a test, and it didn’t take Hong Jun much effort, but seeing that Hu Yingxue looked very simple dissolved this set, but it made him feel even more threatened. When Hu Yingxue and others didn’t respond more, the horse spit out a fire dragon to stop Hu Yingxue from approaching.
At this time, Hongjun found that there was something wrong with his body, and he quickly looked at it again. It was terrible. He found that with the increasing activity of the body dragon force, the meridians in the body actually showed signs of melting, which was a sign of scattered elements.
There is no longer any confirmation that Hongjun is sure that he has won the lottery. He has always been a precious person, otherwise he could not have lived from ancient times to now. His head turned rapidly. He took back the dragon he just spit out. "Help me, I can tell you everything I know."