Yang Jian shook his head and refused, "It’s more convenient for me to sneak in with the seventy-two magic tricks. Some senior brothers should go back to Lingshan to report to me!"

广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛广州品茶网 Yang Jian shook his head and refused, "It’s more convenient for me to sneak in with the seventy-two magic tricks. Some senior brothers should go back to Lingshan to report to me!"

Yang Jian shook his head and refused, "It’s more convenient for me to sneak in with the seventy-two magic tricks. Some senior brothers should go back to Lingshan to report to me!"

"If this makes the chaotic 36 demons, can you deal with your brother alone or go with you?" Pharmacist Buddha Road
"Brother, don’t worry, I’m going to save people, and it won’t cause much trouble. You’d better go home quickly. Your uncle and master are worried!"
Say that finish Yang Jian is a breeze evaded the four kings into heaven.
The pharmacist Buddha saw that Yang Jian had sneaked in, but he hoped that Yang Jian could come out safely. However, the pharmacist Buddha did not return to Lingshan, but hid in the clouds and waited outside the worse gate to help himself in case of Yang Jian’s failure.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-five Fautu FuMo (3)
Chapter one hundred and fifty-five Fautu FuMo (3)
Yang Jian took a breeze to avoid the heavy guards in heaven, but went around to the prison site that day.
Hey, is this Yang Jian coming to the prison? It turns out that he wanted to come here to see if Nezha was here. Since that day, he has been worried about being arrested. Now that Nezha has this opportunity, of course he has to find a way to save Nezha.
Glancing at the handle at the entrance of the celestial prison, the four heavenly soldiers found that they were immortal, and Yang Jian rushed into the celestial prison with a fierce acceleration.
The four heavenly soldiers who put their hands at the entrance of the heavenly prison felt a breeze blowing and found nothing wrong. They were surprised and didn’t care.
Into the channel, Yang Jian showed his figure and thought about it. He suddenly changed. The Tota King Excavate smiled and walked to the lower level of the prison.
In fact, Yang Jian is not sure whether Nezha will be here. He is trying his luck with a try attitude.
Who knows that Yang Jian just stepped into the first floor of the dungeon. It seems that the head of the guard on this floor, the heavenly soldiers, ran over and bowed and said, "Li Tianwang, you are here!"
Yang Jian looked at the soldier that day and nodded his head in style.
"Tianwang, are you still here to interrogate the third wife of Nezha?" Wrong novel network does not jump word mountain flattery asked.
At the moment, Yang Jian is worried about finding Nezha. You know, this heaven and heaven prison, like that hell, has a total of ten floors. If you let yourself find it layer by layer, it will not only expose yourself when the waves are extremely high.
Yang Jian was overjoyed when he heard this, but he was still dignified. "Yes, you are clever, so follow me!"
On that day, when the soldier heard the news, he immediately thanked him as if he were happy with the flowers. "Thank you for your appreciation!"
Yang Jian waved and said, "Well, lead the way ahead!"
"Yes!" On that day, the soldier heard that he should make a flattering fart and run to the front. Yang Jian took the road
Yang Jian, who was behind the soldier that day, leaned out all the way to observe the prison defense and found that it was also a light heart to be guarded by a pick Jin Xian in the prison that day.
After a quarter of a column of incense, Yang Jian came to the seventeenth floor of the prison with the soldiers that day. Several guards on the seventeenth floor also knew Excavate, and they just Jin Xianxiu couldn’t see that Excavate was changed by Yang Jian, and they made a little way.
"Li Tianwang, please!" A few mountain devoting way
Yang Jian nodded his head and stepped in, and that a few mountain soldiers followed closely behind Yang Jian.
When I came to the innermost cell on the seventeenth floor, Yang Jian saw that Nezha had not been seen for more than three years. At this time, Nezha didn’t see the heroic clothes in the past, and the whole person was also depressed. What was even more shocking was that his two pipa bones were pierced by two chains cast by nine days of cold iron, and there was still a trace of blood left. Obviously, Nezha had suffered a lot in the past three years.
I heard someone coming to Nezha and looked up with difficulty, but it was the one who was going to abuse himself every other day. Li Jing coughed and laughed. "Why don’t you give up?"
Yang Jian was furious when he saw this tragic picture of Nezha. He showed his true colors and shouted "Brother Nezha!" He rushed to the Nezha cell.
Yang Jian?’ Several mountain soldiers shouted at once at the sight of being silly and surprised, and then took up arms and greeted Yang Jian.
Yang Jian looked at the backhand and took the three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand without looking back. He just swept it towards the back and then continued towards the cell.
Those heavenly soldiers were only repairing the highest level in Jin Xian in the middle period, which was not enough. Now it is a quasi-Saint Yang Jian. When he saw Yang Jian’s knife sweeping out, he took up bursts of gas waves and rushed out towards those heavenly soldiers.
"Boom" A few mountain soldiers didn’t even hide, so they melted the fly ash in Yang Jian.
"With a clang", Yang Jian came to the front of Nezha with a knife and a kick at the big lock of the cell.
"Ahem, Yang Dage, why are you?" Nezha looked at the front Yang Jian tone some poor said.
"Brother Nezha, you have suffered. I’ll take you away!" Yang Jian Road
Look at the chain that locks Nezha’s pipa, Yang Jian said to Nezha, "Brother, bear with it!"
With that, Yang Jian Xuangong turned his three-pointed double-edged knife and cut it toward the cast iron chain of the nine-day cold iron.
"Dangdang" two gold and iron sang, but the chain that locked Nezha broke.
"Brother Yang!" Nezha looked at Yang Jian quite excited and cried.
Yang Jian grabbed Nezha and said, "Brother, this is not a place to talk. Let’s go!"
Nezha said, "Brother Yang, go on your own. My repair has been scrapped. You can drag you down with me!"
"They actually abolished your repair!" Yang Jian smell speech quite angry way
"Brother Yang, please leave me alone, or it will be bad when they find out!" Nezha anxiously urged.
"Brother Nezha, do you believe me?" Yang Jian suddenly asked.
Nezha naturally nodded when he heard this. "Believe it!"
"That’s good, then we will leave together!" Yang Jian laughed.
"But …"
Nezha still wanted to say something, but Yang Jian interrupted him. Yang Jian said, "It’s a long way to go!" With that, Yang Jian grabbed Nezha with a three-pointed double-edged knife and went outside the prison.
Just then, more prison guards heard the movement inside and rushed over to block the narrow passage of the prison.
"Nezha brothers follow closely!" Yang Jian back heart Nezha way
Nezha looked at Yang Jian, first smiled and then nodded fiercely.
"Well, today our brothers will fight side by side here!" Yang Jian laughed.
Say that finish see Yang Jian forehead that saw suddenly burst into a golden light rapidly toward the day prison guards.
"Boom"-those heavenly prison guards still don’t respond to the golden light, and they have already arrived to listen to a loud noise. Those heavenly soldiers were struck by the golden light and flew backwards, and many of them directly turned into a blood rain in this golden light.
The group of mountain soldiers saw that Yang Jian was so strong that they gave birth to terror in their hearts.
Three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand, a horizontal Yang Jian shouted "Stop me and die!"
With that, Yang Jian walked on with Nezha step by step.
Day prison guards have been completely Yang Jian just that a tourist trap, see Yang Jian coming towards them feet involuntarily fall back.
"Brothers fight!" Suddenly, I don’t know who shouted one by one, and all the mountain soldiers gathered courage to raise their weapons and cut them toward Yang Jian.
Yang Jian’s wrist shook with a three-pointed double-edged knife, like a sea dragon, bringing up the dragons and stabbing them at the front of the mountain.
The three mountain soldiers who rushed in front suddenly felt a cold chest and looked down to see that their chest had been penetrated by the three-pointed double-edged knife in Yang Jian’s hand.
Three mountain soldiers are still in the surprise period, but they see Yang Jian’s hand once again exerting its strength to turn the three-pointed double-edged knife fiercely and listen to the boom. The three mountain soldiers were shattered into pieces.
Breaking the three mountain Yang Jian didn’t stop, and the three-pointed double-edged knife continued to stab at the mountain behind.
Listen, there’s another noise, and three heavenly soldiers have turned into blood rain in Yang Jian with three pointed double-edged knives.
"We’re no match for him. Let’s wait outside, and naturally someone will clean him up!" A mountain soldier shouted
The mountain smell speech have stopped the attack in the face of Yang Jian slowly recede.
After a long time, Yang Jian had seen the prison exit that day, and he couldn’t help but grab Nezha with one hand and shake his three-pointed double-edged knife with one hand, and suddenly accelerated and rushed toward the outside.
"No, he wants to run!" I don’t know it’s that mountain soldier who shouted with one heart and one mind.