And Tian Tianlong, aware of the immediate crisis, got together again and once again met for the first time. Before the fan-shaped battle, he lined up and waited for Chen Shisan Lang to attack.

广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛广州98场推荐 And Tian Tianlong, aware of the immediate crisis, got together again and once again met for the first time. Before the fan-shaped battle, he lined up and waited for Chen Shisan Lang to attack.

And Tian Tianlong, aware of the immediate crisis, got together again and once again met for the first time. Before the fan-shaped battle, he lined up and waited for Chen Shisan Lang to attack.

Three words away, the cloud finally changed from a monk to a wave, and arranged for his qualitative change. During the time when Gong Sunqing and his three daughters were together, he was still a little shy and angry, and finally he became a free and easy person. He wanted to say what he wanted to do, but he was no longer so arrogant. Don’t say that his personality changed too fast. In fact, the cloud depression was really a bit too long. For a person, many things have to take the first step, and the rest will go naturally instead of things happening, which will pave the way for a lot.
The fifth volume and rain has deepened the Dragon Lake willows Chapter 22 Unexpected ending
The fifth volume and rain has deepened the Dragon Lake willows Chapter 22 Unexpected ending
"Becoming a Buddha on the spot" is more similar to the magical powers of deities and buddhas. Ordinary martial arts are really different. It is not a problem that people who have practiced martial arts jumped to the air vertically, but it is absolutely impossible to float in this place like Chen Shisan Lang at the moment, and the qi is wrapped around the affected area as if it were real. The magical skill is regarded as Shaolin Megatron Kong’s not bad work and there is no such exaggerated effect.
Outsiders see that Chen Shisan Lang has been abandoned by the Ministry of Tianlong, and he has given up hope for him. I hope he can stall Longyou Tianjiang Yuyang for a while and let Yunneng sometimes beat the remaining few people. I didn’t expect this Tianlong Shinto new leader to leave such a trick.
"Amitabha Chen Shaoxia’s martial arts seems to be from Buddhism." Zhiguang folded his hands and murmured.
"It’s a shame to wait like an evil sect." Zhiqing sighed. He decided that the cloud had gone astray and seemed to sink deeper and deeper.
In fact, all the Shaolin monks were skeptical when they heard that the cloud forcibly returned to the secular mountain and took away the Shaolin secret book "The Diamond Finger". Later, the cloud deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors, and even fewer believers said that today, they witnessed the cloud god’s magical diamond method to publicly molest foreign women. Although the monks said that they were sorry and disdainful in their eyes, they have revealed their thoughts.
"Tian Ling, it seems that you have quite a lot of young masters of the same age." The breeze looked at his proud brother meaningfully and said gently.
Zhang Tianling, a "younger brother", has been practicing Wudang Taoist skills since childhood. His mind is relatively peaceful, but he is still unwilling to be superior to his own young master.
However, the other brothers in Wudang may not be as open-minded as Zhang Tianling. Wang Youde looked at the cloud with a face of resentment among the younger brothers in Wudang. He lost to the cloud hand logistics and practiced martial arts, and he had many breakthroughs. But at the moment, it seems that his cloud gap is even more distant. Looking at the cloud, I don’t know how jealous I am.
"I won’t let you go," Wang Youde swore in his heart.
"It was’ Jiangshan generation has a new generation and a new generation is better than the old one’." Oriental Mark squeezed his small eyes and sighed, "I’m afraid it’s hard to do this even if I didn’t miss the hand just now. Bu Tianlong is worthy of its name, but this Chen Shisan Lang Yun grade is light martial arts but it has become popular."
"Hey, hey, otherwise, I could abduct my daughter and’ dancing lightly’ Gong Sunping’s precious disciple in full view?" Muting smiled wryly, but there was a hint of relief in her face. It is expected that her daughter will not suffer too much with this martial arts.
"Someone saw my daughter in Kunlun Mountain, and this cloud is also good." The Nangong Jinghong also sighed rarely. "Now I don’t know where this dead girl is."
"So evil?" Dongfang Mark’s face trembled with fat. "It’s a good thing my daughter Dongfang Qing didn’t come or else," he said with a lingering fear. "Otherwise, it’s hard to say that Yunxiao is small!"
"This place will always come to Sunny, and the little girl and Rou Er Nangong brother Zhang Zhu seem to have a good personal relationship." Muting’s words seem to be meaningful
"No one will pay attention to this damn brat when he goes back tonight!" Sun Qing was angry when he saw the cloud shrink behind Chen Shisan Lang at my leisure and looked at Ai Lijie’s death with a poor aftertaste.
"Well," Mu Rou said that she was a little jealous when she agreed with her temperament, otherwise her usual temper would definitely speak out.
"It won’t be so cheap. Miss him will give him a good hug." The Nangong Moon smiled brilliantly, and it was a nightmare to see Sun’s affection for her soft hair stand on end.
"Does Tianlong Shinto have such magical martial arts? It seems that Yun Feng has never had it?" There is only one Huashan Sect leader, Guling, who speaks Wuyue Sword Sect.
"However, if Yun Feng is really here, he can catch these martial men who have come to provoke the western regions with gentle breeze and drizzle." Speaking is an old Taoist whose temperament is simple but elegant and demure. The passage of time has stained her temples and wrinkles and climbed her eyes, but it can be vaguely seen from her brow that she must be an extremely beautiful female Emei leader Li Daimei when she was young.
"I’m afraid not. Besides, how can I expect crooked ways to correct my Chinese Wulin name!" Lan Zhuhong made a big speech there again, but he forgot that Chen Shisan Lang was the little leader of Tianlong Shinto and Yun was the wanted object of Wulin. Can these two people be regarded as the right way in Wulin?
Therefore, Lan Zhuhong attracted a few disdainful eyes when he said this.
Chen Shisan lang momentum has climbed to the highest peak in an instant, and he slowly raised his right hand and launched a palm in the direction of Bu Tianlong.
This palm is like a huge gas wall that slowly impacts the fan array of Bu Tianlong. Chen Shisan Lang’s hand pushes forward bit by bit along the gas wall. Can he remotely control this gas wall? Cloud looked at a dignified and solemn face, and Chen Shisan Lang’s heart was dark. It seems that in this short month, Chen Shisan Lang’s martial arts have been improved. This person is really a strong enemy. If he is allowed to practice "becoming a Buddha" to send and receive at will, his power will definitely not be inferior to that of "Three Dragons".
The other seven people in the Ministry of Tianlong were afraid of Solomon’s center. It seems that they studied under the nirvana of the three saints, but they are similar in nature, but they can work together to defend against the enemy. However, Jiang Yuyang hurt his eyes. Although the work is still in control, he is not impetuous and impure, but it has become the weakest link in the Ministry of Tianlong. However, there is no obvious impact on the surface. It seems that the axe in Solomon’s hand shines bright and golden, and the hot breath keeps emitting like a small sun. It seems that the Ministry of Tianlong’s joint efforts are quite successful.
"Tian Di Tian Long.
I travel in three thousand worlds. "
Tian Tianlong sang together that Solomon held up his golden axe and drank a "King Kong magic axe" to Chen Shisan Lang’s continuous push to "become a Buddha on the spot".
The axe split in the virtual, and the golden light of the axe flew out with this split, and it was facing Chen Shisan Lang’s sudden and rapid launch of "Site Becoming a Buddha". Two shocking forces impacted head-on in the middle. "Site Becoming a Buddha" is the most mysterious and mysterious Juexue in Tianlong Shintoism, which was never found in the Jianghu before Chen Shisan Lang’s envoy, while "Vajrayana Axe" is the famous stunt of Nirvana. After the joint efforts of the Ministry of Tianlong, the power has increased many times.
In fact, nothing happened after the golden light was integrated into the gas wall. These two properties belong to the Buddhist power, which strangely merged and then disappeared into the void.
The onlookers are sighing because the reality is far from what they expected. Suddenly, a colorful Buddha’s light shines and flies in the direction of Bu Tianlong! So perhaps it was Jiang Yuyang’s eye injury that made his luck impure, which made the joint efforts of the Ministry to "subdue the demon" slightly inferior and was swallowed up by Chen Shisan Lang’s "stand on the ground and become a Buddha" and fought back.
Previously, the "King Kong magic axe" had actually exhausted the power of the Ministry of Dragon. At this moment, all of them could not move and could close their eyes to die, but this time the clouds moved.
When Yun saw the multicolored Buddha’s light rising, he felt that the situation was not good. Previously, when Chen Shisan Lang fought with him, the power of "standing on the ground to become a Buddha" and "ultimate blood" was quite the same, but the nature was opposite, so they cancelled each other out. This time, the power of "standing on the ground to become a Buddha" and "King Kong descending the devil" promoted each other to produce this kind of ability. Without multicolored Buddha’s light, I don’t know which side the power hit.
And the cloud has paid homage to them in the struggle between the dragon and the dragon. I don’t want them to die in vain. Here, I hurriedly urged the posture of "one thought" to go to the rescue. I know that just when the cloud can’t imagine pushing Esvia Milo and Jiang Yuyang at a high speed and quickly, it was preparing to save several people. The colorful Buddha’s light suddenly accelerated and flashed to the cloud!
The cloud just hugged Ai Lijie to get away. When he didn’t respond, he was hit red-handed by the Buddha’s light. Except for his "Peach Blossom", his luck seems to always be quite bad.
This time seems to be no exception
Three words away, everyone should be able to see that Bu Tianlong is not actually defeated. They have not been able to completely join forces to defend against the enemy. That is to say, the so-called "three thousand worlds" claimed to be manageable, and the joint efforts of Bu Tianlong are not worthy of the name. In the end, the shortcomings of Yun Chen Shisan Lang jointly attacked them, which finally led to the failure. However, in the final analysis, Yun Ai Lijie was hit by the "Buddha’s Light" and his life and death were not the same. The strength contrast between Chen Shisan Lang’s remaining people was also very obvious.
It’s an ancient problem that people have joys and sorrows, and many things actually have no results and answers.