No one has welcomed her so much since she was a child.

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No one has welcomed her so much since she was a child.

Liu Yichen took the luggage to the building, fearing that the little woman would trouble him because of the clothes, and hung the clothes neatly in the dressing room before going downstairs.
Wenyiting took Sue late inquisition.
Sue was a little embarrassed to say, "Mom didn’t prepare gifts for you and dad because she was in a hurry to come back."
"Just don’t you come back." Wen Yiting said and looked at Sue’s late belly.
It’s also this look that reminds Sue that she must buy birth control pills. Although she hasn’t had a safe period yet, she should be careful.
Liu Yichen walked to the sofa and naturally sat next to Sue’s late love. Putting his hand on the back of her sofa from a distance is like holding people in his arms.
Wen Yiting glanced at Liu Yichen and said to them, "After you left, I had the third floor redecorated, mainly because after the sound insulation effect, you should not be able to hear the outsiders again."
Sue’s face turned red at night. Can’t her mother-in-law be subtle
I can’t wait to dig a hole and bury myself.
How loudly did she scream that day? She even asked Wen Yiting to redecorate the room.
Liu Yichen glanced at Wen Yiting approvingly. "Mom, it’s still thoughtful of you."
Sue stepped on Liu Yichen at night.
Lu Yichen was surprised and asked, "Mrs. Lu, don’t you think we are doing that so that everyone can hear us?"
Wenyiting followed red in the face.
It’s getting more and more serious here now. I got up and left
Sue blushed like a monkey’s ass at night and reached for Liu Yichen’s waist with a hard twist.
"PSST … you murdered your husband." Liu Yichen held Sue’s late feelings in her arms and whispered in her ear, "I’d better tidy up that place casually at night. Now I want you to tidy up."
Sue can’t wait to cover his mouth at night. She really dares to say anything and is not afraid of being listened to.
Liu Zhengying walked in the door and saw the young couple hugging each other and frowning.
It is a good thing for a son to get along well with his daughter-in-law, but Sue’s late love still makes him a little uneasy.
He’s not worried if she’s average.
Seeing her as a baby now makes him a little worried.
He still remembers what conditions Sue was engaged to Liu Yichen. If she had any purpose, if she threatened Lujia, he would never let her.
It was not until Ma Fan that Liu Yizhi came in with Fang Nuo Nuo.
I glanced at the sofa. Although Sue was thin, she looked good. At first glance, she was well nourished by men.
Fang Nuo Nuo let Lu Yizhi twist his waist and walked over. He sat opposite Su Evening Love and Liu Yichen and said with a smile, "Eldest brother and sister-in-law are you back?"
Sister in law?
Sue raised her eyelids and glanced at the woman opposite. Is this changed?
"Well …" Liu Yichen light should pull Sue late feeling goes to the restaurant.
Aunt Liu saw the two of them coming over and said, "Are you hungry? Just sit down for a while."
"Thank you, Great Aunt Liu." Sue replied with a smile that Liu Yichen was a little queasy when she didn’t wash her stomach when cooking.
"What’s the matter? Not comfortable? " Liu Yichen nervous asked
Sue didn’t good the spirit said late, "it’s not your fault."
Liu Yichen was a little embarrassed when he was one leng. Now I think about it, he is really stupid. He didn’t think much about how to make food mature when he saw that the food was clean when it was delivered.
Liu Zhengying is also coming this way to see Sue moved her eyebrows in the evening. Is this pregnant?
Liu Yizhi and Fang Nuo Nuo also came along.
Wen Yiting brought a bowl of chicken soup out of the kitchen and put it directly in front of Sue’s late love. She smiled and said, "Drink it while it’s hot. I’m a fool who can’t take care of you, and everyone will take care of you."
Liu Yichen pursed his lips and didn’t talk at this time. It would be a shame if Sue told him that he didn’t wash vegetables in the evening.
Sue looked at Liu Yichen, who was a little nervous. It seemed that he didn’t want others to know if it was true, but it threatened him.
The province is always bullied by him
"Thank you, Mom!" Sue took the bowl and took a sip.
Wenyiting contentedly smiled and sat beside Liu Zhengying.
Looked up and saw Fang Nuo Nuo some sad eyes busy let great aunt liu also brought her a bowl of chicken soup.
Fang Nuo Nuo glared at the woman opposite the chicken soup before staring.
Can this treatment be the same?
It is also such a big gap between daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law
Sue’s love affair was brought to her by Wen Yiting herself, but she sent servants to bring it to her.
When she was a child, she was fostered in her home, so she had to be with her. Dad always paid attention to her and ignored her own daughter.
Fortunately, she was sent back to the orphanage later, otherwise, Sue’s late love robbed her of her position at home.
Sue looked at Fang Nuo Nuo at night.
She said, "A leopard cannot change his spots. Why has Nuo Nuo suddenly become better?"? I guess I’m faking it
After thinking about it, if she married Lu Yizhi, wouldn’t it hurt to face her head every day?
I glanced at Lu Yizhi, who looks very clever. Why is a young man with such a poor eye? Isn’t it a sin to find such a wife?
After dinner, everyone sat on the sofa and chatted.
Fang Nuo Nuo saw that she and Lu Yizhi had been here for so long, and she didn’t see Sue giving them gifts. It’s not surprising to ask, "Sister-in-law, why didn’t you bring us gifts when you went to honeymoon with your eldest brother?"
Sue’s late feelings are awkward. Although she explained it to Wen Yiting just now, it’s true that she didn’t buy a gift.
Wenyiting glanced at Fang Nuo Nuo for the second daughter-in-law how also don’t like it.
"Late love and Yichen went on their honeymoon, but you won’t mind if you forget to buy Nuo Nuo when you play too hard?"
"Oh," said Fang Nuo Nuo thoughtfully, "if you forget it, it’s okay, especially if you are stingy and can’t buy it."
As soon as Fang Nuo Nuo’s words came out, everyone watched. Liu Yizhi was playing with his mobile phone, and he paused and continued to play as if he hadn’t heard these words.
Wenyiting is angry in her heart, but it’s not easy to send her hair. After all, she hasn’t passed the door yet. The second daughter-in-law has some words she can’t say.
Liu Yichen glanced at Lu Yizhi’s partner Nuo Nuo and said, "If my sister-in-law is missing anything, please tell me that I will give you a check and you can buy whatever you want."
Fang Nuo Nuo face some stiff "eldest brother it’s very kind of".