After playing in the sea for a long time, Liu Kungen is also very resistant. He can’t kill Xiaoqiang unless he consumes his spiritual power.

广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛广州夜网 After playing in the sea for a long time, Liu Kungen is also very resistant. He can’t kill Xiaoqiang unless he consumes his spiritual power.

After playing in the sea for a long time, Liu Kungen is also very resistant. He can’t kill Xiaoqiang unless he consumes his spiritual power.

If the current speed is to consume Liukun’s spiritual power cleanly, it will take half a day at least.
Killing Liu Kun is really hard work!
"Boom …"
Another punch in Liukun’s face.
Let his eyes see stars and look painful.
"Small is that you forced me to let you see my real strength today!"
Say that finish LiuKun a roar loud a air billow rolling out.
Muhai’s body was knocked out by air billow and he fell into a totally embarassed position.
"Ah …" A big drink of Liukun’s body breath kept changing, and the dancing firm but gentle wrapped his body.
His body slowly floats half of his body, and the sword light surges with a monstrous smell.
If Chu Guan Miao Lan saw it, she couldn’t help but stop and show her smug face.
They came to Liu Kun quickly. "Master!"
Liu Kun glanced at the two men faintly and then turned his head to look at Muhai. "What other means are there?"
"Well …"
Muhai struggled to look at Liukun’s eyes and couldn’t help showing a dignified color. "You have to be arrogant to see my amazing blow."
MuHai say that finish shout at top of voice "ah …"
Seeing this scene, Liu Kun showed a dignified body, and the sword light danced like a sword array.
The next scene made Liu Kun stare big eyes and show confidence.
See MuHai roar after that is rapid and fled in situ to leave a ghosting image.
"Want to run? Is it that easy? "
Liukun said a flicker quickly and blocked Muhai road.
"Wow …"
Liukun hand bit by bit dozens of sword light rapid and hit the MuHai body.
Muhai was cut out of dozens of crossings, and the rapid outflow of blood soon dyed his body red.
"Bang …"
Then MuHai body inverted and landed heavily.
Yang Wen got up at the sight of a big change in his face and quickly ran towards Muhai.
It was a blow that made her faint before she ran out of the neck two steps.
It was Yi Zong who made the move.
His face is also more dignified. "The boss said that we should protect her even if we die. We must never let that old man succeed."
Ying Xue Qing came quickly at first sight, but he was also stunned by Yi Zong.
Although the other three people showed concern, no one showed more concern than worry.
"Do you have any last words at this moment?"
Liukun Yu Muhai looked down at him like a worm.
Muhai’s face is full of unwillingness.
"Master killed big sleep," said Chu Guan.
Hearing this, Liu Kun turned his head to look at Chu Guan with a cold hum. "Do I still need your advice when I do things?"
Chu Guan’s face is faster than fear and he salutes with his fist. "Dare you!"
"There will be another death!"
Light words make Chu Guan’s body chills, and his face is more frightened and more regretful at the same time.
I think Liu Kun has clearly seen his escape just now.
Miao Ruolan’s face is ugly, and he can’t help staring at Chu Guan with resentment.
"Since you have no last words? Then die? " Liu Kun said
"You … how could you have a sword?" Muhai face unwilling shouted
"Ha ha …"
Liu Kun laughed when he heard Muhai’s words. "It’s okay to tell you at the last moment."
"I got this sword from him!" Liukun a face satisfiedly say
"others? Did you get it from Yu Haoshen? It’s impossible. He doesn’t seem to have a sword, otherwise his strength wouldn’t be so weak? " Muhai shook his head repeatedly to express his disbelief.