Besides, Meng Qi, the quilt cover, also made a gentle sneer. This purple fragrance was so angry that he firmly grasped the silk and was pulled by force, but Meng Qi naturally wouldn’t give up, and he was also caught by the quilt.

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Besides, Meng Qi, the quilt cover, also made a gentle sneer. This purple fragrance was so angry that he firmly grasped the silk and was pulled by force, but Meng Qi naturally wouldn’t give up, and he was also caught by the quilt.

You know, this silk quilt is flexible, but where can it withstand Machamp’s pulling? Soon it was heard that it was cracked.
And Zixiang is trying to know that this quilt will suddenly crack? One is to lean back, which is just lying in Meng Qi’s half body.
When Zixiang fell, she felt something hard and hard hit her neck, followed by Meng Qi’s screams …
In this way, it is natural for Meng Qi to go to sleep, see Meng Qi’s bitterness and look at Zixiang, and then say, "You can’t get married if you break into a man’s room in the early morning."
Purple incense remembered that hard thing just now, and her face was red, but her mouth didn’t give up and said, "Who told you to stay in bed?" This can’t blame me. "
Meng Qi listened to the strange cry, "Is it still my fault?" Meng Qi Zixiang walked in the Dragon Palace and felt that his key position was still depressed in a faint sadness.
Zixiang is also an unmarried girl after all. That can withstand Meng Qi’s words. She blushes and says sweetly, "Well, it’s somebody else’s fault."
"Hum" Meng Qi didn’t speak. It seems that the gas hasn’t disappeared yet. Seeing Meng Qi like this, I couldn’t help whispering, "It’s really a big man who is so stingy to argue with my little girl."
There are still three points of resentment. Meng Qi couldn’t help laughing at Zi Xiang’s words and then said grumpily, "Come on, you girl, go to the fair and have a look. Maybe you can have some good things."
Seeing Meng Qi laughing, Zixiang secretly smiled and then grabbed Meng Qi and said, "Hee hee is not angry?"
Meng Qinai shook his head and said, "I can’t be born."
"Hee hee"
"Hey Meng Qi, there are many people over there. Let’s go and have a look!" Zixiang was very excited when she came to the fair, but Meng Qi was not interested in walking around with Zixiang.
But suddenly a familiar figure appeared in front of Meng Qi, although his face was covered, but Meng Qi, who was familiar with his posture, was almost conscious of calling out "Xianer? !”
Meng Qi can’t consider purple fragrance any more, but there are too many people at this fair. After a surge of people, Meng Qi arrived at the place where he just saw Hu Xian’s children, but it was gone.
Meng Qi kept looking in all directions, hoping to find that figure again, but the man was already fragrant and he didn’t know where to go.
Meng Qi was depressed, shook his head, clenched his fist and relaxed again. Xianer should be in the fox family now. How can he see her here? It’s just that I probably missed Xianer too much and was wrong.
This is found that Meng Qi is not in Zixiang and found Meng Qi pulled Meng Qi clothes and said, "What’s the matter? What did you see? "
Meng Qi shook his head and said, "Nothing. Maybe I was wrong. Aren’t you going to see what’s there? Let’s go over there. "Say that finish is walking over there.
And purple sweet looking at Meng Qi figure always feels something is wrong. Where does she know that figure makes Meng Qi’s heart miss like a flood?
Although Meng Qi is wandering around, she is obviously absent-minded, and she is often absent-minded. Even if she is slow, she can find that Meng Qi has something on her mind. Zixiang is not that kind of thick-skinned woman.
To come out to visit Zixiang is to want Meng Qi to be alone. Meng Qi is absent-minded, and she naturally has no interest in hanging out. She just said to Meng Qi, "Hey, let’s go home."
"hmm?" Meng Qi leng a pull my thoughts back from Hu Xianer Cheng Rewei and asked, "Why not go shopping? Don’t want to go shopping? "
Zixiang nodded his head and thought it was really a big log. Then he turned and walked back. Meng Qi didn’t know what Zixiang suddenly became angry, but he followed him. Maybe he could go back and sleep.
But on the way, a handsome young man wearing a purple crown walked up straight wait for a while and looked at Zixiang’s face without blinking. Zixiang was sulking because of Meng Qi’s distraction. Suddenly, such an eyesore guy’s heart was naturally even more uncomfortable. He also raised a little princess’s temper, and he couldn’t control whether it was in Longgu or not. He shouted, "Where did the dog come from and why did it block Gu’s road?" Rolling! "
In fact, the handsome man is not actually in the way of Zixiang, and the center is not in the way, but he is angry with Zixiang. Who cares?
However, Zi Xiang’s scolding made the handsome man return to absolute being, but instead of being angry with Zi Xiang’s words, he revealed an evil smile and said that it was really a pepper. I don’t know what it would be like to get into bed.
Although he has seen a woman, purple fragrance is first-class in terms of appearance, but it is by no means the kind that can make him dream about women. However, purple fragrance makes him feel a sense of novelty and suddenly gives birth to an idea of taking it for himself
Hu Fei, who has always been in the Dragon Palace, didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with his thoughts. Although his father had told him not to make more troubles this time, he didn’t want a woman who was then.
Thinking of this, he actually stopped Zixiang’s way and said, "Is this girl here but didn’t you insult her?"
Purple sweet is very angry and just scolded two sentences, and my heart is very relieved. Seeing this guy who just looked at himself with bedroom eyes, he still dared to refute angry words and immediately blurted out.
However, at this moment, Meng Qi pulled Zixiang to the back, then glared at Zixiang and turned to the handsome man and said, "I’m really sorry for this brother, but I hope you don’t take it amiss."
Handsome man smiled and said, "That’s no good, that is, it’s an insult to the personal reputation in the matter. Can it be one?"
Meng Qi’s face suddenly sank when he saw that this guy turned out to be kicking his nose, but it was purple incense that was wrong. Meng Qi didn’t say anything and asked, "Does that brother want us to apologize and compensate?"
The handsome man squinted at Zixiang and said, "Don’t just let this girl spend the night with you?"
You!’ Purple sweet behind Meng Qi didn’t expect this guy to be so bold, but he was going to rush out and teach this frivolous guy a lesson.
However, Meng Qi stopped Zixiang, and then his face sank. He said that he was shameless, right? Then he waited for the handsome man to say, "You are joking, but you sincerely apologize."
The man smiled more and more and said, "Since you sincerely apologize, do you promise to ask for it?" Handsome man looked at his face more and more gloomy. Meng Qixin said that if this guy dared to start work, I would mutilate it and then take away the girl. What’s done is done. I want my father to protect himself even if I blame myself.
Thought of here that handsome man said "? Such conditions are already merciful. "
Meng Qi was silent for a while. After all, this is a kind of thing in the dragon territory. Naturally, it is necessary to find three elders such as Zi Qiu and then notify the dragon to let the dragon people solve it.
But Meng Qi stared at this extreme owe a flat face with a long sigh.
Zixiang saw the guy opposite Meng Qi behind him so frivolous that Meng Qi didn’t respond. I felt a bitter feeling in my heart that this Meng Qi was so frivolous by others. I was so blind that I would like such a person.
And that handsome man saw Meng Qi’s silence for half a ring, but he let out a sigh and thought that this guy was so unintelligent? Isn’t that what you’re going to do?
Disappointed Yu Junxiu man thought that since this guy is so unintelligent, he would directly take this woman away, which means he didn’t dare to do anything. Thought of this, Handsome man was alert and relaxed a lot.
But he is going to say something again when Meng started …
Meng Qi disappeared in front of everyone and then suddenly appeared in front of the handsome man, waving his hand was a big ear fan.
"pa!" It was clearly audible on the periphery of some noisy trading venues, and everyone who knew the identity of the handsome man was shocked, even the handsome man himself was shocked.
But since Meng Qi has already started work, he certainly won’t stop like this.
After a slap in the face, Meng Qi punched the handsome man in the abdomen, and then the handsome man curled up like a shrimp, and while he curled up, Meng Qi’s knees were already hard to meet him.
After eating this knee blow, the handsome man will lean back, but Meng Qimeng waved his elbow and let the handsome man fall to the ground.
Such a series of blows in the fierce brute force that handsome man turned out to be a method at the moment
Meng Qi is another vigorous volley, kicking the handsome man out dozens of meters away and then lightly saying, "You don’t know what flowers are so red unless SB hits you with peach blossoms all over your face."
Chapter 244 Pre-emptive strike
Chapter 244 Pre-emptive strike
Meng Qi was domineering. When he finished that sentence, he pulled Zixiang and walked back. Zixiang was still immersed in Meng Qigang’s performance. Could that person just now know Meng Qi himself?
Being dragged back by Meng Qi, Zixiang looked back after a long time, holding his hand with a serious face. Meng Qi recalled that Meng Qigang was so terrible that his heart was hot. He was so angry because of himself.
Zixiang feels warm in her heart. Does he care about me or like me? The temperature from Meng Qi makes Zixiang feel that everything is so real.
Laughing unconsciously is crawling with purple incense, grabbing Meng Qi’s arm and saying, "Meng Qi, you were so handsome just now."
And Meng Qi, although he was cool after playing that guy with B, still felt a little heavy. He saw from the faces of some onlookers around him that that guy must be a person with considerable status.
This fight is even trouble. Of course, Meng Qi is not afraid, but in this case, he must tell the elders on his side the news at the first time so that they can be prepared and perhaps pre-emptive.
Just as he was thinking about what the elders said, Zixiang hugged him. After a pause, he said, "It’s not that I want to be handsome, but that guy has gone too far. Although we came to the Dragon Palace as guests, we can’t be bullied."
Zixiang nodded, but the slight disappointment in her heart was not because of herself, but Meng Qi didn’t finish. "Besides, if others forget it, how can we see you being bullied like this?"
After hearing Meng Qi’s words, Zixiang was happy and said with a smile, "Well, you still have some conscience. I am so good to you."